Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nature shaped behavior by using primary reinforcers-true or false?

It all depends do you consider yourself more like Pavlov or one of his puppies.Nature shaped behavior by using primary reinforcers-true or false?
True. I believe that all human behavior can be linked to our gregarious nature and need to be accepted and loved. Nearly all of our behavior, especially behavior that differs from the rest of the animal kingdom, is geared toward maintaining social status and fitting in. By conforming to a social standard, we are able to meet a mate and procreate. Here is a complex example: We are taught that it is amoral to kill people. To most humans, this is because ';God'; says it is bad. It is my belief that ';God'; is an evolutionary manifestation that functions to unite people in their beliefs (obviously this has become regional) and set up a set of standard morals that all are willing to accept. This belief system not only dictates that killing is bad, but also rape, theft, etc... We believe in a higher power for the same reason gorillas follow a lead silverback. It adds cohesion, order and unity and allows us to prosper. Our social environment is a direct result of evolution. All of our complex behaviors are from genes that have survived through the generations.Nature shaped behavior by using primary reinforcers-true or false?

Edit: Wow that was an excellent answer by A L! That is exactly the point. Primal reactions or critical thinking.

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