Wednesday, February 10, 2010

True or false Clinton left Bush a recession?

That is true. Liberals--please remove your head from the sand and study the facts.

Furthermore, Bush did not leave Obama a recession. His beloved democratic congress did.True or false Clinton left Bush a recession?
True. The markets peaked in March 2000, 8 months before the 2000 elections. The dot com bubble burst on Clinton's watch. Also, the Enron, Worldcom and Tyco corporate scandals were also perpetrated on Clinton's watch but were subsequently prosecuted on Bush's watch. You won't learn that by watching the mainstream media.True or false Clinton left Bush a recession?
absolutely true! Soon after Bill Clinton left office, Americans began to discover his bitter legacy.

Even as Clinton was leaving Washington, the American economy had begun to move into a serious recession.

False. That recession did not start until after Bush took office. National Bureau of Economic Research declared it started March 2001 and ended Nov 2001.
Clinton was responsible: FALSE

Bush was responsible: FALSE

People who kept taking out loans knowing they couldn't afford them are responsible: TRUE
Yes, and a surplus.

Bush turned that into a record deficit, and The Second Great Depression.
False. Clinton left Bush with a surplus in the economy. I don't understand how anyone could say that he left a recession.
Nothing like what Bush left Obama.

The economy was down a bit but there was a budget surplus and things were generally pretty good.
True, and anybody who thinks differently is simply not old enough to remember it.
True! Clinton ruined the good reaganomics was doing when he sighned NAFTA into effect!
clinton was able to balance the budget and get a surplus
Clinton started it, Bush exacerbated it.
FALSE! he left him the most thriving and stable economy in 35 years
Who told B00sh to give trillions of dollars of handouts to Iraqis?
true, and Carter started the whole mess..
that would be true
False, he left Bush a surplus.

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