Do you really think this is an accurate estimation of numbers? And if this was as simple as true or false, then why would a question, such as this, attract more than one answer? Aren't most accusations baseless anyway? when does anyone ever have the full picture of what's going on? I believe it's wrong to openly attack something that you know nothing about personally and based only what you hear by word of mouth, after all as the saying goes ';Seeing is believing';, and I, Personally, think that a lot of people, including Christians and Atheists, are guilty of this. Regardless of how we feel about each others beliefs (or lack thereof) it does not give us the right to make uninformed attacks against one another (I have many friends who are Christian, in one form or another, and I would never dream of openly attacking them about their beliefs and, hopefully, they mine. It's just so much better if religious and non-religious opinions stay out of the equation).True or false: 50% or more of questions asked by atheists are baseless accusations against Christians?
I would of said true but I saw the word ';baseless.'; I am an atheist but I don't go around saying there beliefs are wrong. I don't hate them for believing in something else. I just hate how they treat others who don't share the same belief as them. I especially hate the treatment of gays when in the eyes of some Christians. It's not there belief I hate it's the way they treat that belief as if it was the only one worth anything...
not necessarily. In fact we as christians have an obligation to answer those questions in a manner that will not demean the asker. The problem is that they just do not know any better and although some are attempting to cause an argument they are in fact blind to what the real truth is and that's where we are to recognize the fact that they really need to hear the facts but in a loving caring christian manner
I do not know if it is quite 50% but it's a lot, and I would not be surprised if it WERE that high, or even higher.
To respond to the fallacies of the claim that ';Baseless? You're denying your bloody heritage, my friend. This is identical to an Israeli who considers any criticism of their genocidal policies to be antisemitism.';
The heritage of the nazilibs who hate G-d and post on every animal rights blog all kinds of viciousness about how people should be tortured and killed slowly is a call a demand for far more blood then any spilled by any G-d based, religion.
They are same ones who lie about Israel supposedly being ';genocidal'; for staying alive, when the nazilibs demand they lie down, and die like good little Jews.
I do not know. I did not bother to go and read them all and keep a running count, and I suspect neither did you, or you would not use a qualifier like baseless. I would suspect that for the most part atheists ask questions that are totally unrelated to religion and spirituality. Many of us are much more interested in other topics.
What a crock......You folks might wanna try reading some of the stuff on here written by the atheists and folks who just ';don't believe';. Christianity is treated as though it is some kind of disease. But, profanity and judgements and belittling and all other offensive stuff is fine ';as long as a lay down and take it Christian don't say nothin';???? Bump that!!!! All of you bashin and cussing Christians out and passing judgement need to look in the mirror or at least read what you have said. Get a life and stop bashing Christian folks. You may think you're hot snot on a silver platter but you're really cold boogers on a paper plate.
Brother Bear: The assessment may be correct, however when you consider Romans 13 specifically verse 8 it really does not matter.
8. Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.
Be in Christ and fulfill the law of said verse and the flaming arrows will have no effect on you whatsoever.
Allowing your Joy to be full All the time, and in the circle of things fulfillment of verse 8 %26amp; 12 will become even easier; thus your Joy even more full, if that is possible.
12 The night is almost gone, and the day is near Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.
Have a great day.
P.S. You can retaliate if you must by telling the truth in love, ( I assume that is what you are doing) nothing draws more ';.........'; than an unadulterated description of ones own reflection; give what they need, but do not stoop to their level.
In Christ
Absolutely false!!
Just try reading a small sample of Christian postings on here!!!
Intolerant, egotistical, hate filled and bigoted!! Eschewing education, science, evolution works of fiction and much, much more. Christians are the only religion opposing human rights and persecuting gays, pro choice and so much more - but far worse whilst they demand freedom of religion they deny it to all non Christians and persecute them!!!
Atheists posts are repudiating all that hatred, intolerance and persecution form the nastiest religion on the planet!!
So please understand it is not about belief, God or Jesus but about the terribly BAD christian attitudes and conduct!!
As soon as Christians rediscover the loving god and start acting like it the problem will cease!!!!
I would say it could be true on both sides.My point is to be Christ like, if it is possible to treat atheists as beloved children of God.Atheist could treat Christians as beloved members of the human race. People with such different beliefs look on each other as so foreign that they don't accept that that other person is very human just with opposite believes.The main thing is the question are you a decent and kind human being.The heart can be filled with many things a deep belief in God ,Spirituality for their fellow man or space filled with something else that only that person feels and understand within themselves.Baseless accusations or down right meanness is the wedge that separates us.Free Will for all people to believe what they want.';My father has many mansions';I think Jesus had them in mind.
Hardly ';baseless';.
Questions that point out logical fallacies and gaps in education and knowledge do not amount to ';baseless accusations';.
Just because we make Christians uncomfortable does not make us any less right.
Most athiests nowadays have religophobia
Its ridiculous, we're not allowed to slag them off yet theyre allowed to discriminate against christians
makes me realy angry
A question is not an accusation. It might imply an accusation, but if it is a question it cannot be an accusation.
False. I would say 95% of the questions asked by atheists are accusations against Christians. No other religion is allowed to be defamed other than Christianity.
Baseless? You're denying your bloody heritage, my friend. This is identical to an Israeli who considers any criticism of their genocidal policies to be anti-semitism.
';but if asked to validate their statements with hard evidence they suddenly become quiet.';
Marylin, do you have an example of that, a link perhaps?
and 40% is Spiritually Speaking Questions
and the other 10% are questions from Christians or any other religion.
True - very few of them have read much about religious or spirituality; they watch one documentary about evolution and they jump on the band wagon...
in my experience!
More than that, but not all CAN be absolutely serious.
Here is the basic format:
Christians , you are {fill in the blank} because {rant BS} and we are so logical.
Probably true
Ha Ha!!
True or false: 50% or more of questions asked by christians are baseless accusations against atheists?
False. 69% are sexy-related questions.
False, theres far more questions by christians mocking or trying to convert everyone.
False. Asking questions about the bible would not be considered ';baseless.';
I have yet to read a BASELESS accusation of Christians.
Actually false as most if not all do have a base unlike your question Bear .
False, although many are. Just remember that it goes both ways...
Disagree - so False
Would you like syrup with your ad hominem pancakes?
I'm with you to a large extent. From reading the numerous, insufferable
rants and sarcasm (directed toward believers as a joke, but a joke isn't funny when made at the expense of another person) I get the impression that the majority of atheists who regularly contribute to the answers forum do so in order to express their venom against believers. They often don't even bother to read the question, which makes me think that they're not interested in intelligent discourse but rather prefer to unload their vitriol upon believers. I also wonder why the atheists get so enraged at the believers who contribute to the forum, they get so defensive it almost seems that they're afraid that maybe down deep in their hearts they want to believe.
So many of the atheists in the answers forum make these sweeping proclamations about Christians and other believers, but if asked to validate their statements with hard evidence they suddenly become quiet.
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